Port Orange, FL (PrBuzz) November 19th, 2010 - The holidays are around the corner folks and whether it's spaghetti sauce, parsley potatoes, or your best apple pie being served up, the spices and seasoning you choose for your recipes can be the difference between a culinary masterpiece or a flop. The art of seasoning foods is one that develops with time and experience but even the most novice cook can still achieve greatness using the following golden guidelines for adding spices to any dish. After some time and experimenting you too will be able to season your foods to the "perfect taste" with your eyes closed. Remember even the most prominent chefs make mistakes, big ones too! Don't let this discourage you though. Luckily through the years, through trial and error, a standard set of culinary guidelines has been written to help any chef put the 'just perfect" taste into any recipe.
The first thing that any good cook will understand with spices is the broad differences in strength between fresh and dried herbs. Freshly picked herbs still have their full compliment of aromatic oils within the leaves. This makes them very strong in flavor. When that same leaf is dried though some of those flavoring oils will be lost during the drying process. This will happen to any herb/spice being dried. To help minimize these losses, some companies and spice importers are opting to "freeze dry" their herbs and spices or dry them under very low heat. Freeze drying is a process where a pressure chamber is used to remove moisture. Using precisely controlled temperatures and pressures, over 95% of moisture can be eliminated. The moisture content is removed through "sublimation" (a process where a solid transforms direct into a gas and skips the liquid stage - (i.e., ice turns into vapor)). So remember fresh herbs have more flavor than dried herbs BUT there is a catch to this as we will learn in the next paragraph.
So we know that dried herbs/spices lose some of their flavor and freeze drying is by far the best way to minimize losses during drying right? So what's the catch? Well although a freshly picked leaf will contain more aromatic flavoring oils then the same dried leaf what must be remembered is that during the drying the process moisture is removed. With the removal of moisture also lost is total weight. So less weight will mean it will take say 10 dried basil leaves to equal the same weight of 1 fresh basil leaf. It could very well take 50 pounds of fresh basil to produce only about 5-10 pounds of fresh dried basil. From this we can easily conclude that the dried herb/spice will be much more potent than the fresh one even though the fresh one is stronger. What??? Huh??? Okay you are maybe a little confused but maybe not. Just remember that you will always use considerably less dried spices than fresh spices in all of your culinary creations.
With that said now we can apply some simple guidelines when adding spices and seasoning. For hot foods it is wise to add your spices towards the end of the cooking time. Many spice flavors are destroyed when exposed to high heat. For cold recipes you can safely add the spices before preparing. If you ever add too much salt to a dish use a teaspoon of sugar to mask the extra salt. For dishes that come out to spice rich add a raw peeled potato to it. The potato will help soak up some flavor and hopefully save your recipe. If that does not work you can always whip up a second batch with no spices and then simply add that to the first batch. Now for adding the spices and seasoning there are some basic rules. For recipes that serve 1-2 people use no more than 1/8th teaspoon of any dried powders and 1/4th teaspoon for chopped spices, seeds, or granules. If you are adding fresh herbs/spices then 2 teaspoons should be the maximum amount added. For larger recipes that serve 4-5 people these measurements obviously are raised. For these size recipes use no more than 1/4 teaspoon dried powders and 1/2 teaspoon chopped, seeds, or granules. For fresh herbs/spices 4 teaspoons should suffice. Remember these tips and your next recipe should be a success! We would like to take a moment to give special thanks to everyone over at Florida Herb House in Daytona Beach, Florida. They were kind enough to lend their time and contribute to this article. You can visit them online at www.SharpWebLabs.com or www.FloridaHerbHouse.com or call them toll free (888) 476-9414 with your questions regarding herbs, spices, and seasoning.
Green People United
Florida Herb House
Port Orange, Florida 32128
A look at the inside scoop on our most favorite and popular culinary cooking spices and how they have become essential to so many of our great recipes especially latin and asian dishes.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Natural Headache Herb Remedies Unveiled
Orlando, Fl (PrBuzz) November 17, 2010 - Everyone at one time or another has experienced the pounding pain of a headache. Headaches are the single most troubling symptom around the world affecting million of people each year. Headaches can appear in all different levels of severity and duration. Genetics do play a limited role in the who gets headaches and when, but anyone is vulnerable to a headache. A migraine is a severe headache that may occur every day or as little as once per year or so. The pain of a migraine headache can be so severe that one cannot even look at a source of light. Temporary loss of vision may occur also with this type of migraine. The underlying cause of migraine headaches is still a mystery in the medical field but research does still continue to unlock the answer. For a while it was thought that there was a connection between migraine and allergies but this theory was later discounted after inconclusive results. Attempts to connect migraine headaches to the regulation of seratonin (a chemical in the brain) also proved to be a dead end for unlocking the door to the cause. To fight headache pain naturally we turned to the Florida Herb House in Daytona Beach, Florida for some expert advice and to discuss the most favorable herbs that can be used as a remedy for headache and migraine pain. For this we were happy to talk to the owner of Florida Herb House; Stephen Sharp for his herb house's best headache remedies. We quickly learned of the family of four popular herbs that, when combined together and steeped as a tea, can help diminish the pounding pain of a headache naturally and powerfully. Please consult a doctor before beginning any type of exercise or health program.
The most popular four herbs used for natural headache relief are Chamomile, Feverfew, Ginger, and Lavender. The most powerful way to incorporate these into your very own all natural home headache remedy is to purchase 3-4 ounces of each herb and blend them all together. You can get several dozen cups of tea from just a few ounces of loose herbs. To make the tea boil a pot of water. After the water is at a rolling boil remove from heat and add 1 teaspoon of the herb mix per each ounce of water. Steep the herbs for 5-7 minutes. Flavor with sugar or honey or as desired. Use as needed for natural headache pain support. You should be able to find the herbs mentioned at your local herb or natural food store or online at such stores as www.SharpWebLabs.com or www.FloridaHerbHouse.com.
Chamomile Flowers - Chamomile, also known as "Roman Chamomile," "Garden Chamomile," and "whig Plant" is a perennial herb that blossoms with yellow flowers during the months of June and July. This gracious plant's flowers are used frequently for tea and other culinary creations. The flowers offer several health benefits and are used by many to soothe headache pain.
Feverfew Leaf - The feverfew herb is also a perennial herb that grows along roadsides. Feverfew can be found throughout Canada and points south along the East coast as far as Maryland. The leaves of the feverfew herb are used to make infusions and health tea.
Ginger Root - The ginger herb is a perennial plant that thrives in tropical and sub-tropical regions. The unique aroma of the ginger herb distinguishes it from other herbs. The root of the plant is used as a spice and also to make tea. Ginger root contains ingredients which may help with headache and migraine pain.
Lavender Flowers - The lavender herb grows as a shrub and is native to Europe and the United States. It is known for its pleasant and relaxing aroma. The stem of the lavender herb can grow up to 2 feet high and produces grayish green leaves. Lavender blossoms from July to September with purple flowers. These flowers are in used various applications and have been shown beneficial for headaches.
A. Sherwood
Green People United
Orlando, Florida
The most popular four herbs used for natural headache relief are Chamomile, Feverfew, Ginger, and Lavender. The most powerful way to incorporate these into your very own all natural home headache remedy is to purchase 3-4 ounces of each herb and blend them all together. You can get several dozen cups of tea from just a few ounces of loose herbs. To make the tea boil a pot of water. After the water is at a rolling boil remove from heat and add 1 teaspoon of the herb mix per each ounce of water. Steep the herbs for 5-7 minutes. Flavor with sugar or honey or as desired. Use as needed for natural headache pain support. You should be able to find the herbs mentioned at your local herb or natural food store or online at such stores as www.SharpWebLabs.com or www.FloridaHerbHouse.com.
Chamomile Flowers - Chamomile, also known as "Roman Chamomile," "Garden Chamomile," and "whig Plant" is a perennial herb that blossoms with yellow flowers during the months of June and July. This gracious plant's flowers are used frequently for tea and other culinary creations. The flowers offer several health benefits and are used by many to soothe headache pain.
Feverfew Leaf - The feverfew herb is also a perennial herb that grows along roadsides. Feverfew can be found throughout Canada and points south along the East coast as far as Maryland. The leaves of the feverfew herb are used to make infusions and health tea.
Ginger Root - The ginger herb is a perennial plant that thrives in tropical and sub-tropical regions. The unique aroma of the ginger herb distinguishes it from other herbs. The root of the plant is used as a spice and also to make tea. Ginger root contains ingredients which may help with headache and migraine pain.
Lavender Flowers - The lavender herb grows as a shrub and is native to Europe and the United States. It is known for its pleasant and relaxing aroma. The stem of the lavender herb can grow up to 2 feet high and produces grayish green leaves. Lavender blossoms from July to September with purple flowers. These flowers are in used various applications and have been shown beneficial for headaches.
A. Sherwood
Green People United
Orlando, Florida
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Natural Acne Remedies Unveiled
Just hearing the word "zit" brings an uneasy feeling to oh so many. Acne has been a bothersome skin problem similar to that of the common lawn weed - without constant care it will return. Thanks to expert research and tips from Florida Herb House, a new all natural way to combat acne is now on the press. Using a relatively inexpensive herbal recipe cited here, acne problems may be on their way out the door without the use of potentially harmful prescription medicine.
Acne is a condition where the pores of the skin become clogged and inflamed. The are basically two types of pimples that developed from acne - "whiteheads" (open pimples), and "blackheads" (closed pimples). Acne is more common in teens during puberty but can occur in later years also. Acne can cause social problems too as a result of insecurity and the risk of being embarrassed. There has been no known link between diet and/or exercise with respect to acne.
Traditional remedies for acne include "over the counter" creams and salves. Some of the problem with these products are the ingredients that can cause discomfort of the skin and have possible unpleasing side effects with little or no benefit. Also, prescription medicines can be very costly. So with that said, we are left with the best option of all - the all natural approach. Natural remedies have been a part of society for thousands of years and until the birth of the big name drug companies, things were going pretty well. But in recent years more and more people are turning their cheek to pushy doctors and choosing to battle health problems using holistic and natural methods with compelling success. Below is the recipe for an all natural acne ointment sent to us by Florida Herb House in Daytona Beach, Florida. To purchase the three herbs needed for the ointment you can visit Florida Herb House in Florida, or online at www.SharpWebLabs.com, or www.FloridaHerbHouse.com. Please consult your doctor or health care practitioner before beginning any exercise or health program.
Herb #1 Black Walnut Leaf - The leaf of the black walnut tree has been used as an all natural cleansing wash and acne remedy by many. The black walnut tree is a woody forest tree which thrives in the Eastern United States. The bark of the tree can be identified by its dark color and very rough texture. The antibacterial and cleansing properties of the leaf have been tested over the years.
Herb #2 Echinacea Leaf - The herb echinacea has been studied extensively for hundreds of years. It is one of the most popular herbs used for its medicinal and healing properties. Commonly referred to as the "narrow-leaved purple cone flower" and "sampson root" this herbaceous plant grows well in the prairie states. Echinacea is a perennial plant with a firm stem covered with small bristles. Its purple flowers bloom from June to October. It is widely used as a blood purifier and to naturally combat acne.
Herb #3 Strawberry Leaf - The strawberry plant, while known for its delicious red fruit, is actually classified as an herb due to its herbaceous (non-woody) composition. A perennial plant and found abundantly across the Eastern United States, this hardy herb grows well along roadsides and in open fields. Each leaf of the strawberry plant is divided into 3 smaller jagged tooth leaflets. The plant blooms with small white flowers from May-June. The leaves of this wonderful herb are sold in chopped form for various skin remedies such as acne and insect bites.
The best way to use these herbs is to combine all three together and crush them to a powder. About 4 ounces of each herb should be plenty for dozens of applications. After the dried leaves are finely ground, they are to be made into a topical ointment. To do this we use 1 part herbs combined with 4 parts lard. Lard is just a simple fat and can be bought at any supermarket. We then add 1 teaspoon of benzoin gum powder to preserve the fat content in the ointment. The benzoin powder can be bought at www.FloridaHerbHouse.com or www.SharpWebLabs.com or any reputable herb shop online. This will greatly extend the shelf life of the ointment. Some like to add cornmeal and/or petroleum jelly to the formula to change the texture and consistency. You may also elect to substitute cornmeal for the lard. We recommend against using the petroleum jelly as oily additives should be avoided when making any ointment for combating acne. Once your ointment is at the consistency and texture to your desire, find a small container to store in. Keep the ointment away from direct sunlight and heat. It is best to keep stored in your medicine cabinet properly labeled. We applied the formula once per night and them removed it in the morning. The results were impressive. A good rule of thumb is to discard the ointment -after one year.
Acne is a condition where the pores of the skin become clogged and inflamed. The are basically two types of pimples that developed from acne - "whiteheads" (open pimples), and "blackheads" (closed pimples). Acne is more common in teens during puberty but can occur in later years also. Acne can cause social problems too as a result of insecurity and the risk of being embarrassed. There has been no known link between diet and/or exercise with respect to acne.
Traditional remedies for acne include "over the counter" creams and salves. Some of the problem with these products are the ingredients that can cause discomfort of the skin and have possible unpleasing side effects with little or no benefit. Also, prescription medicines can be very costly. So with that said, we are left with the best option of all - the all natural approach. Natural remedies have been a part of society for thousands of years and until the birth of the big name drug companies, things were going pretty well. But in recent years more and more people are turning their cheek to pushy doctors and choosing to battle health problems using holistic and natural methods with compelling success. Below is the recipe for an all natural acne ointment sent to us by Florida Herb House in Daytona Beach, Florida. To purchase the three herbs needed for the ointment you can visit Florida Herb House in Florida, or online at www.SharpWebLabs.com, or www.FloridaHerbHouse.com. Please consult your doctor or health care practitioner before beginning any exercise or health program.
Herb #1 Black Walnut Leaf - The leaf of the black walnut tree has been used as an all natural cleansing wash and acne remedy by many. The black walnut tree is a woody forest tree which thrives in the Eastern United States. The bark of the tree can be identified by its dark color and very rough texture. The antibacterial and cleansing properties of the leaf have been tested over the years.
Herb #2 Echinacea Leaf - The herb echinacea has been studied extensively for hundreds of years. It is one of the most popular herbs used for its medicinal and healing properties. Commonly referred to as the "narrow-leaved purple cone flower" and "sampson root" this herbaceous plant grows well in the prairie states. Echinacea is a perennial plant with a firm stem covered with small bristles. Its purple flowers bloom from June to October. It is widely used as a blood purifier and to naturally combat acne.
Herb #3 Strawberry Leaf - The strawberry plant, while known for its delicious red fruit, is actually classified as an herb due to its herbaceous (non-woody) composition. A perennial plant and found abundantly across the Eastern United States, this hardy herb grows well along roadsides and in open fields. Each leaf of the strawberry plant is divided into 3 smaller jagged tooth leaflets. The plant blooms with small white flowers from May-June. The leaves of this wonderful herb are sold in chopped form for various skin remedies such as acne and insect bites.
The best way to use these herbs is to combine all three together and crush them to a powder. About 4 ounces of each herb should be plenty for dozens of applications. After the dried leaves are finely ground, they are to be made into a topical ointment. To do this we use 1 part herbs combined with 4 parts lard. Lard is just a simple fat and can be bought at any supermarket. We then add 1 teaspoon of benzoin gum powder to preserve the fat content in the ointment. The benzoin powder can be bought at www.FloridaHerbHouse.com or www.SharpWebLabs.com or any reputable herb shop online. This will greatly extend the shelf life of the ointment. Some like to add cornmeal and/or petroleum jelly to the formula to change the texture and consistency. You may also elect to substitute cornmeal for the lard. We recommend against using the petroleum jelly as oily additives should be avoided when making any ointment for combating acne. Once your ointment is at the consistency and texture to your desire, find a small container to store in. Keep the ointment away from direct sunlight and heat. It is best to keep stored in your medicine cabinet properly labeled. We applied the formula once per night and them removed it in the morning. The results were impressive. A good rule of thumb is to discard the ointment -after one year.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
The World of Mushrooms - Morels to Magic
When you mention Florida Herb House many people think their exotic dried mushroom powders such as Morels, Chanterelle, Porcini, Lobster, Shiitake, Reishi and more. Chefs and food lovers around the globe flock to this little herb shop in South Daytona, Florida to pick up these hard to find gourmet mushrooms. Today we spoke with the owner of Florida Herb House, Stephen Sharp, and asked him what is the most common question asked about these great fungi. We were surprised to hear the answer. Stephen quotes, "Believe it or not, the question we hear all the time from people via email or over the phone are questions about the difference between our culinary dried mushrooms and hallucinogenic type mushrooms. Maybe they think since we sell over 15 types of mushrooms we have a knowledge of the other kind. We usually just refer people to the Internet to gather more information and also let them know that those mushrooms, whether found in the wild or not, are highly illegal in the USA."
So after being surprised about the number of times this questions is asked, we figured now would be a great time to address the topic of mushrooms. The mystery of mushrooms is an age old subject. How do some mushrooms end up being poisonous while some contain an abundance of health giving nutrients? Why will one type of mushroom make your spaghetti sauce a delight while another may send you to the emergency room? This is a question that has no definite answer but our general understanding of mushrooms over the last hundred years is deeper than ever. As of 2011, there will be over 6,000 different species of mushrooms which have been identified and named. Of these less than 1% are of the hallucinogenic type, otherwise known as the "Magic Mushroom". Be forewarned that this type of mushroom can be deadly and highly toxic to the human body.
In America there are about a dozen species of cultivated edible mushrooms. The remainder are classified as "toad stools" or poisonous mushrooms. The most deadly mushroom found in the USA is the "Amanita muscaria" or "Destroying Angel" mushroom. If you ever went for a stroll through the woods and came across a mushroom with a black cap with white spots - avoid it! It is safe to say that this is a mushroom from the deadly "Amanita muscaria" group. It is best to leave your mushroom shopping to the inside of your favorite supermarket or herb shop. Many deadly and psychedelic classes of mushrooms, during their early stages of growth, will look very much like the edible mushrooms found in stores. Never eat a wild mushroom unless it is positively identified as one of the edible varieties and even then it is best to leave it be. A great tip for identifying poisonous mushrooms is by looking under the mushroom cap for a small "skirt".
As far as hallucinogenic mushrooms which can also be very deadly and toxic the most common type is the "Fly Agaric" mushroom. As far back as the 1800's these mushrooms were used in rituals and ceremonies. This type of mushroom is illegal in the United States, and if you are caught with one of these you could end up in jail. Addiction to these mushrooms was so severe back in the 1800's that men and women actually would drink the urine from anyone who had eaten the mushroom. This made many people sick and even caused death among many due to the lack of proper medical care during those times. So why is it some types of mushrooms taste great in our soups and others can kill? Many botanists credit evolution to the science behind the chemical and cellular makeup of mushrooms. As soon as we can confidentially determine why the Truffle mushroom grows only underground, and why these types of fungi reproduce by sending spores through the air, then we will be able to unlock the mysteries which separate the poisonous hallucinogenic mushroom from our beloved edible species of mushrooms.
Florida Herb House is your home to over 20 fresh dried culinary mushrooms and mushroom powders. Make your next dish come alive with our mushrooms packed fresh to order and dried with the utmost care. Visit us online at www.SharpWebLabs.com or www.FloridaHerbHouse.com and type in the search word "mushroom" to browse all our great fungi! Try our "Mushroom Delight" powder which is a secret ingredient of many popular and famous chefs around the nation.
Use the coupon code "FLORIDAHERB" at checkout for 10-20% off your order! Have a great day!
K. Perry
Florida Herb House
So after being surprised about the number of times this questions is asked, we figured now would be a great time to address the topic of mushrooms. The mystery of mushrooms is an age old subject. How do some mushrooms end up being poisonous while some contain an abundance of health giving nutrients? Why will one type of mushroom make your spaghetti sauce a delight while another may send you to the emergency room? This is a question that has no definite answer but our general understanding of mushrooms over the last hundred years is deeper than ever. As of 2011, there will be over 6,000 different species of mushrooms which have been identified and named. Of these less than 1% are of the hallucinogenic type, otherwise known as the "Magic Mushroom". Be forewarned that this type of mushroom can be deadly and highly toxic to the human body.
In America there are about a dozen species of cultivated edible mushrooms. The remainder are classified as "toad stools" or poisonous mushrooms. The most deadly mushroom found in the USA is the "Amanita muscaria" or "Destroying Angel" mushroom. If you ever went for a stroll through the woods and came across a mushroom with a black cap with white spots - avoid it! It is safe to say that this is a mushroom from the deadly "Amanita muscaria" group. It is best to leave your mushroom shopping to the inside of your favorite supermarket or herb shop. Many deadly and psychedelic classes of mushrooms, during their early stages of growth, will look very much like the edible mushrooms found in stores. Never eat a wild mushroom unless it is positively identified as one of the edible varieties and even then it is best to leave it be. A great tip for identifying poisonous mushrooms is by looking under the mushroom cap for a small "skirt".
As far as hallucinogenic mushrooms which can also be very deadly and toxic the most common type is the "Fly Agaric" mushroom. As far back as the 1800's these mushrooms were used in rituals and ceremonies. This type of mushroom is illegal in the United States, and if you are caught with one of these you could end up in jail. Addiction to these mushrooms was so severe back in the 1800's that men and women actually would drink the urine from anyone who had eaten the mushroom. This made many people sick and even caused death among many due to the lack of proper medical care during those times. So why is it some types of mushrooms taste great in our soups and others can kill? Many botanists credit evolution to the science behind the chemical and cellular makeup of mushrooms. As soon as we can confidentially determine why the Truffle mushroom grows only underground, and why these types of fungi reproduce by sending spores through the air, then we will be able to unlock the mysteries which separate the poisonous hallucinogenic mushroom from our beloved edible species of mushrooms.
Florida Herb House is your home to over 20 fresh dried culinary mushrooms and mushroom powders. Make your next dish come alive with our mushrooms packed fresh to order and dried with the utmost care. Visit us online at www.SharpWebLabs.com or www.FloridaHerbHouse.com and type in the search word "mushroom" to browse all our great fungi! Try our "Mushroom Delight" powder which is a secret ingredient of many popular and famous chefs around the nation.
Use the coupon code "FLORIDAHERB" at checkout for 10-20% off your order! Have a great day!
K. Perry
Florida Herb House
black trumpet,
florida herb house,
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Onion Powder Tips - Florida Herb House
Here at Florida Herb House we sell a few different types of onion powders. Our favorite is our toasted onion powder. This gives the perfect seasoning to soups, meats, and various pasta dishes. Many people do ask us for tips on using our all natural onion powder so here we go.
The history of the onion is an interesting story. The onion is believed to have originated in Asia, though it is likely that onions may have been growing wild on every continent. Dating back to 3500 BC, onions were one of the few foods that did not spoil during the winter months. Our ancestors must have recognized the vegetable’s durability and began growing onions for food.
The onion became more than just food after arriving in Egypt. The ancient Egyptians worshipped the onion, believing that its spherical shape and concentric rings symbolized eternity. Of all the vegetables that had their images created from precious metals by Egyptian artists, only the onion was made out of gold.
The onion became more than just food after arriving in Egypt. The ancient Egyptians worshipped the onion, believing that its spherical shape and concentric rings symbolized eternity. Of all the vegetables that had their images created from precious metals by Egyptian artists, only the onion was made out of gold.
Onion powder is made by grinding dehydrated onion into a powder. It isn't as pungent as fresh onions, but it's a great time-saver.
Onion flakes - (1 teaspoon onion powder = 1 tablespoon dried onion flakes)
Onion - (1 teaspoon onion powder = 1/3 cup chopped onion)
Onion is being used for centuries not just to add flavor to foods but also for its therapeutic properties. Onion have an antibacterial and antifungal properties. Some people mixed vinegar with onion juice and apply it in their freckles and warts, it is believed that it can remove/reduce this skin problems.
Nutritive Values of Onions : Per 100 gm.
- Vitamin A : 50 I.U.
- Vitamin B :
- Vitamin C : 9 mg.
- Calcium : 32 mg.
- Phosphorus : 44 mg.
- Potassium : 300 mg.
- Carbohydrates : 10.3 gm.
- Protein : 1.4 mg.
- Calories : 45
Buy the best onion powder at www.SharpWebLabs.com and www.FloridaHerbHouse.com!
granulated onion,
onion powder,
onion toasted,
Friday, July 16, 2010
Roasted Duck With Orange Saffron Sauce!
We just tried this recipe using our very own Florida Herb House Saffron Threads and it was delicious. Well maybe amazing was a better word or "mouth watering"! Our saffron is on sale this summer at over 30% off suggested retail prices! If you decide to purchase some of our saffron from www.FloridaHerbHouse.com or www.SharpWebLabs.com then the recipe that follows below is a must try!!!
• 2 medium ducks
• 1 quart orange juice
• Zest of 1 orange or lemon, ground fine
• 1/4 or more chili peppers, minced fine
• 1/4 cup honey
• 1 small handful flour
• 1/2 teaspoon saffron threads
• 1/4 cup boiling water
• 1 or 2 sprigs fresh thyme, chopped fine (optional, but much better)
• Pinch of salt, if necessary (It depends on how salty the duck is.)
1. Preheat the oven to hot.
2. The duck will usually have the stumps of many feathers still attached. To remove them, singe them on an open gas burner and then pull them with your fingers, if necessary.
3. Cut the duck down the full length of the breast side, then flatten the duck.
4. Prick the skin side of the duck in many places with a fork.
5. Mix the juice, zest, salt, pepper, honey, and thyme, if used.
6. Cover the ducks in the juice mixture and marinate for a half hour. Reserve the marinade.
7. Place the ducks skin side up on a wire mesh above a cookie sheet or large baking pan, so that the fat can drip down and not be in contact with the ducks.
8. Place in the oven, lower the heat to moderate, and roast for an 1 hour or until the ducks are well browned.
9. Place 1/2 of the pan drippings from the duck, without any charred bits, into a sauce pan or frying pan.
10. Stir the flour into the drippings over a moderate flame. Don't allow the flour to brown.
11. Gradually stir the reserved marinade into the drippings and flour.
12. Soak the saffron in the water for 15 minutes, then mix the saffron and its water into the marinade mixture.
13. Heat to a boil, then immediately reduce the flame and simmer for 5 minutes.
14. Taste and salt if necessary.
15. The ducks can be carved either in the kitchen or at the table. Serve the sauce separately in a sauce boat.
Stephen Sharp
Florida Herb House
• 2 medium ducks
• 1 quart orange juice
• Zest of 1 orange or lemon, ground fine
• 1/4 or more chili peppers, minced fine
• 1/4 cup honey
• 1 small handful flour
• 1/2 teaspoon saffron threads
• 1/4 cup boiling water
• 1 or 2 sprigs fresh thyme, chopped fine (optional, but much better)
• Pinch of salt, if necessary (It depends on how salty the duck is.)
1. Preheat the oven to hot.
2. The duck will usually have the stumps of many feathers still attached. To remove them, singe them on an open gas burner and then pull them with your fingers, if necessary.
3. Cut the duck down the full length of the breast side, then flatten the duck.
4. Prick the skin side of the duck in many places with a fork.
5. Mix the juice, zest, salt, pepper, honey, and thyme, if used.
6. Cover the ducks in the juice mixture and marinate for a half hour. Reserve the marinade.
7. Place the ducks skin side up on a wire mesh above a cookie sheet or large baking pan, so that the fat can drip down and not be in contact with the ducks.
8. Place in the oven, lower the heat to moderate, and roast for an 1 hour or until the ducks are well browned.
9. Place 1/2 of the pan drippings from the duck, without any charred bits, into a sauce pan or frying pan.
10. Stir the flour into the drippings over a moderate flame. Don't allow the flour to brown.
11. Gradually stir the reserved marinade into the drippings and flour.
12. Soak the saffron in the water for 15 minutes, then mix the saffron and its water into the marinade mixture.
13. Heat to a boil, then immediately reduce the flame and simmer for 5 minutes.
14. Taste and salt if necessary.
15. The ducks can be carved either in the kitchen or at the table. Serve the sauce separately in a sauce boat.
Stephen Sharp
Florida Herb House
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Spearmint Leaf - A Wonderful Scented Herb!
Our Spearmint Leaf Smells Great!!
We love making spearmint leaf tea with our organic grown cut leaves. Our spearmint leaf is probably one of our top 10 selling herbs for 2010. Spearmint is the best known herb among all the varieties of mint, in the mint family. Native to Europe and Southwest Asia, spearmint is a herbaceous rhizomatous perennial plant that grows to a height of 30 to 100 cm. The plant bears small leaves measuring 5-9 cm in length and 1.5-3 cm in width. The leaves have a mild, sweet fragrance and aroma. Spearmint is used either in its fresh or dried form for seasoning various delicacies.
Try making spearmint tea by putting a tablespoon of leaves into boiling water and letting it steep for 15 min. Don't let the water boil. Experiment with dropping a few leaves into hot/boiling water, steeping for 5-15 minutes and seeing how many leaves and how many minutes it took to steep before you liked it.
Spearmint is native to the Mediterranean region and was cultivated throughout the Roman Empire. The Spearmint plant grows to about two feet in height, with short, bright green leaves and small, compactly-arranged flowers. Spearmint is easy to cultivate and grows well in most types of soil and is, in fact, sometimes considered a weed in America.
Today, Spearmint is used for culinary purposes by people across the world. The leaf is used as a flavoring in many dishes, candies and beverages, and it is also an ingredient in cosmetics. Medicinally, Spearmint Leaf is similar to Peppermint in action, though it is considered to be milder. For this reason, Spearmint Leaf has traditionally been used for stomach aches in children. A decoction of Spearmint Leaf was formerly gargled to keep gums healthy and whiten the teeth, and it is still used in many toothpastes. Spearmint Leaf is primarily used to reduce fevers and to aid in digestion.
It is the essential oil menthol present in spearmint that relaxes the smooth muscle, thus relieving symptoms of stomach aches, muscle spasms, IBS, etc. The phytonutrient, Perillyl alcohol, a monoterpene, present in the mint leaves is shown to inhibit the proliferation of cells in lung, pancreatic, liver and skin killer cells. The essential oil, menthol, also has an anti-bacterial property. Spearmint leaves are a very good source of beta-carotene, a precursor of Vitamin A. It enhances the eye sight, fights against acne, results in smooth radiant skin and also a good source of Vitamin C, a natural water soluble antioxidant. It enhances the body's immune system, maintains the elasticity of skin and blood vessels, increases the absorption of iron from the intestines and prevents bruising of the skin.
Florida Herb House
We love making spearmint leaf tea with our organic grown cut leaves. Our spearmint leaf is probably one of our top 10 selling herbs for 2010. Spearmint is the best known herb among all the varieties of mint, in the mint family. Native to Europe and Southwest Asia, spearmint is a herbaceous rhizomatous perennial plant that grows to a height of 30 to 100 cm. The plant bears small leaves measuring 5-9 cm in length and 1.5-3 cm in width. The leaves have a mild, sweet fragrance and aroma. Spearmint is used either in its fresh or dried form for seasoning various delicacies.
Try making spearmint tea by putting a tablespoon of leaves into boiling water and letting it steep for 15 min. Don't let the water boil. Experiment with dropping a few leaves into hot/boiling water, steeping for 5-15 minutes and seeing how many leaves and how many minutes it took to steep before you liked it.
Spearmint is native to the Mediterranean region and was cultivated throughout the Roman Empire. The Spearmint plant grows to about two feet in height, with short, bright green leaves and small, compactly-arranged flowers. Spearmint is easy to cultivate and grows well in most types of soil and is, in fact, sometimes considered a weed in America.
Today, Spearmint is used for culinary purposes by people across the world. The leaf is used as a flavoring in many dishes, candies and beverages, and it is also an ingredient in cosmetics. Medicinally, Spearmint Leaf is similar to Peppermint in action, though it is considered to be milder. For this reason, Spearmint Leaf has traditionally been used for stomach aches in children. A decoction of Spearmint Leaf was formerly gargled to keep gums healthy and whiten the teeth, and it is still used in many toothpastes. Spearmint Leaf is primarily used to reduce fevers and to aid in digestion.
It is the essential oil menthol present in spearmint that relaxes the smooth muscle, thus relieving symptoms of stomach aches, muscle spasms, IBS, etc. The phytonutrient, Perillyl alcohol, a monoterpene, present in the mint leaves is shown to inhibit the proliferation of cells in lung, pancreatic, liver and skin killer cells. The essential oil, menthol, also has an anti-bacterial property. Spearmint leaves are a very good source of beta-carotene, a precursor of Vitamin A. It enhances the eye sight, fights against acne, results in smooth radiant skin and also a good source of Vitamin C, a natural water soluble antioxidant. It enhances the body's immune system, maintains the elasticity of skin and blood vessels, increases the absorption of iron from the intestines and prevents bruising of the skin.
Florida Herb House
mint tea,
spearmint leaf,
spearmint leaf powder
Friday, June 25, 2010
Choosing The Best Herbs - Florida Herb House
Howdy Herb Lovers And Bloggers Alike!
The botanical definition of herbs is that a herb is any annual or perennial plant with a non-woody stem. However, culturally, the term herbs has come to cover plants which have a specific benefit to us humans. This covers plants which can be used purely as food, but can also include plants which have medicinal benefits, or can be used for cosmetic purposes, or plants which have particular aromatic properties. Whether used for their pleasant aromas, to create a natural garden of medicinally beneficial plants, or for their amazing health benefits you have to be vigilant and use wisdom when choosing your healing and holistic herb. Follow our simple guide below!
Before you buy "Cheap Herbs And Spices" because you can save a buck or two ask yourself and the store you buy from these 5 important questions.
1) Are the herbs and spices stored away from light?
Florida Herb House stores all their precious herbs and spices in dark rooms. This ensures the most powerful products arriving at your door with the highest quality flavor and nutritional value! Many larger herb companies simply do not have the means to keep their herbs and spices in dark rooms because their warehouses are simply too large. Our small storage space is under 2500 sq. ft. and is easily manageable with respect to perfect temperature, humidity, and light conditions. Most herbs are sensitive to light and their nutrients are broken down when left exposed to sunlight and artificial light!
2) Are the herbs and spices stored in cool low humidity conditions?
Florida Herb House stores all their precious herbs and spices in optimal conditions which include temperatures that do not exceed 75 degrees Fahrenheit or go below 65 degrees Fahrenheit as well as dehumidifiers for the highest level of quality herbs and spices delivered to your door. Trust Florida Herb House for the best herbs and spices your dollar can buy!
3) Are the herbs and spices truly organic certified?
All of the herbs and spices purchased from Florida Herb House marked "Organic" are organic certified through "QAI" Quality Assurance International and "OTC" Oregon Tilth Corp. We always have a copy of the organic credentials on file for anyone wishing to view it. Any herbs and spices that we sell which are not organic will be clearly marked as "Wildharvested", "Cultivated Without Chemicals" or "All Natural".
4) How are the herbs and spices I am buying packed and shipped?
All of Florida Herb House's herbs and spices are packed fresh to order in our exclusive flavor savor foil packets. These packets are completely recyclable and use about 1/10th the plastic of a typical two ounces spice jar. Most of our packets are resealable also for convenience. Only our small two ounce packets are not resealable as they are designed to be poured into your existing spice jars which helps "Save The Earth"!
5) Is there a certificate of analysis for the herbs and spices I am purchasing?
All Florida Herb House's herbs and spices have a valid "COA" (certificate of analysis) available to anyone wishing to have one. These COA's list the complete analysis of each herb/spice including tests for appearance, aroma, moisture, lead, ash, mold, bacteria and more. Should any of our herbs ever fail any of these tests then they are not on our shelves!
Stephen Sharp
The botanical definition of herbs is that a herb is any annual or perennial plant with a non-woody stem. However, culturally, the term herbs has come to cover plants which have a specific benefit to us humans. This covers plants which can be used purely as food, but can also include plants which have medicinal benefits, or can be used for cosmetic purposes, or plants which have particular aromatic properties. Whether used for their pleasant aromas, to create a natural garden of medicinally beneficial plants, or for their amazing health benefits you have to be vigilant and use wisdom when choosing your healing and holistic herb. Follow our simple guide below!
Before you buy "Cheap Herbs And Spices" because you can save a buck or two ask yourself and the store you buy from these 5 important questions.
1) Are the herbs and spices stored away from light?
Florida Herb House stores all their precious herbs and spices in dark rooms. This ensures the most powerful products arriving at your door with the highest quality flavor and nutritional value! Many larger herb companies simply do not have the means to keep their herbs and spices in dark rooms because their warehouses are simply too large. Our small storage space is under 2500 sq. ft. and is easily manageable with respect to perfect temperature, humidity, and light conditions. Most herbs are sensitive to light and their nutrients are broken down when left exposed to sunlight and artificial light!
2) Are the herbs and spices stored in cool low humidity conditions?
Florida Herb House stores all their precious herbs and spices in optimal conditions which include temperatures that do not exceed 75 degrees Fahrenheit or go below 65 degrees Fahrenheit as well as dehumidifiers for the highest level of quality herbs and spices delivered to your door. Trust Florida Herb House for the best herbs and spices your dollar can buy!
3) Are the herbs and spices truly organic certified?
All of the herbs and spices purchased from Florida Herb House marked "Organic" are organic certified through "QAI" Quality Assurance International and "OTC" Oregon Tilth Corp. We always have a copy of the organic credentials on file for anyone wishing to view it. Any herbs and spices that we sell which are not organic will be clearly marked as "Wildharvested", "Cultivated Without Chemicals" or "All Natural".
4) How are the herbs and spices I am buying packed and shipped?
All of Florida Herb House's herbs and spices are packed fresh to order in our exclusive flavor savor foil packets. These packets are completely recyclable and use about 1/10th the plastic of a typical two ounces spice jar. Most of our packets are resealable also for convenience. Only our small two ounce packets are not resealable as they are designed to be poured into your existing spice jars which helps "Save The Earth"!
5) Is there a certificate of analysis for the herbs and spices I am purchasing?
All Florida Herb House's herbs and spices have a valid "COA" (certificate of analysis) available to anyone wishing to have one. These COA's list the complete analysis of each herb/spice including tests for appearance, aroma, moisture, lead, ash, mold, bacteria and more. Should any of our herbs ever fail any of these tests then they are not on our shelves!
Stephen Sharp
best spices,
guides to buying herbs,
herb guide,
spice guide
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Chipotle Chili Peppers
You have probably heard the name "Chipotle" thrown about on your favorite food show or on the Food Network channel. Yes the Mexican chipotle chili pepper has gained much attention in the USA as a true spice.
Basically the chipotle pepper is a Mexican chili pepper which dated back to the Aztec era. These little peppers were loved by many then as they are today. Ancient history claims the Aztecs smoked the chipotle because the fleshy outer skin was prone to rot. Once smoked these little jalapenos provided a nice "punch" to any meal.
It is thought that chili peppers made their first appearance around 7,000 BC in Mexico. The first European to discover Chili Peppers was Christopher Columbus in America in 1493. It is said that he was actually looking for an alternative to black pepper. What he found was a small hot pod in which he called the "pimiento" after the Spanish word for black pepper. Within a century, chili peppers' popularity had spread worldwide.
[Chee-POT-tleh] peppers are smoked jalapeno chili peppers and are also known as chili ahumado. Today Chipotles are used widely throughout Mexico as well as in the United States. Quite popular in the South Western U.S. and California; Chipotles have found their way into the cuisine of many celebrity chefs from Hawaii to Manhattan. Most of the natural 'heat' of the jalapeno is retained in the drying process. Typically it is about 5,000 to 10,000 Scoville Units. This is considered a "medium" heat in comparison to other chilies.
The botanical classification is "Capsicum Frutenscens". The word "capsicum" means that the pepper in question has a quantity of capsaicin in it. Capsaicin is the common name for the chemical component in chili’s that produce the "WOW" in peppers. The "hotness" of the pepper is measured on a scale called HU (Heat Units) or "Scoville Units" The more milder pepper, like the Bell Peppers range from 100 - 1,000 scovilles units. While the hottest peppers, like the Jalapeno and habanero, range from 5,000 - 300,000 scoville units.
Capsaicin is most commonly thought to be found in the seeds of peppers. It is most plentiful in the white ribs and seed coatings. If you want to make a Jalapeno less hot, simply scrape the seeds and stuff out. The same can be done with all peppers. This doesn’t necessarily mean that your Habanero is now mild though.
If you are as unlucky enough to burn your mouth on a hot chili then immediate consumption of dairy products like milk, sour cream or ice cream will help. The more fat in the product the better. Also, starchy foods tend to absorb the heat! A popular Mexican cure is to consume beer to cool the burn! Remember this tip: The smaller and thinner the pepper, the hotter it will be!
Want to try some of the hottest peppers on the planet? Try our Bird's Eye Chili's or Bird's Eye Powder at Florida Herb House or online at www.FloridaHerbHouse.com and www.SharpWebLabs.com in your next spicy recipe!
ITS AN A+!!!
3 to 4 tablespoons Florida Herb House organic chipotle powder
2 teaspoons ground Florida Herb House organic cumin
2 teaspoons Florida Herb House organic black pepper
2 teaspoons kosher =OR= 2 teaspoons sea salt
1/2 teaspoon Florida Herb House organic ground cardamom
1/2 teaspoon Florida Herb House organic cloves
1/2 teaspoon Florida Herb House organic cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon Florida Herb House organic allspice
3 tablespoons Florida Herb House organic paprika
6 cloves Florida Herb House organic garlic minced
2 cups water
In the same pan, heat the cayenne pepper and paprika over moderately low heat for 4 to 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Add to the spice mixture in the blender along with the garlic, water, and peanut oil. Puree until smooth, stopping occasionally to scrape the sides of the container.
Return the pureed mixture to the sauté pan and cook over moderately low heat for 10 to 12 minutes, stirring frequently to prevent the sauce from burning. Remove from the heat and cool to room temperature. Store in a tightly sealed container in the refrigerator for up to 5 months.
Basically the chipotle pepper is a Mexican chili pepper which dated back to the Aztec era. These little peppers were loved by many then as they are today. Ancient history claims the Aztecs smoked the chipotle because the fleshy outer skin was prone to rot. Once smoked these little jalapenos provided a nice "punch" to any meal.
It is thought that chili peppers made their first appearance around 7,000 BC in Mexico. The first European to discover Chili Peppers was Christopher Columbus in America in 1493. It is said that he was actually looking for an alternative to black pepper. What he found was a small hot pod in which he called the "pimiento" after the Spanish word for black pepper. Within a century, chili peppers' popularity had spread worldwide.

Did you know these delightful little chili's are referred to as berries by many botanists? Yes botanists call them berries while others refer to them as fruits. The produce industry knows them as vegetables, but when they are dried,chefs call them a spice.
The botanical classification is "Capsicum Frutenscens". The word "capsicum" means that the pepper in question has a quantity of capsaicin in it. Capsaicin is the common name for the chemical component in chili’s that produce the "WOW" in peppers. The "hotness" of the pepper is measured on a scale called HU (Heat Units) or "Scoville Units" The more milder pepper, like the Bell Peppers range from 100 - 1,000 scovilles units. While the hottest peppers, like the Jalapeno and habanero, range from 5,000 - 300,000 scoville units.
Capsaicin is most commonly thought to be found in the seeds of peppers. It is most plentiful in the white ribs and seed coatings. If you want to make a Jalapeno less hot, simply scrape the seeds and stuff out. The same can be done with all peppers. This doesn’t necessarily mean that your Habanero is now mild though.
If you are as unlucky enough to burn your mouth on a hot chili then immediate consumption of dairy products like milk, sour cream or ice cream will help. The more fat in the product the better. Also, starchy foods tend to absorb the heat! A popular Mexican cure is to consume beer to cool the burn! Remember this tip: The smaller and thinner the pepper, the hotter it will be!
Want to try some of the hottest peppers on the planet? Try our Bird's Eye Chili's or Bird's Eye Powder at Florida Herb House or online at www.FloridaHerbHouse.com and www.SharpWebLabs.com in your next spicy recipe!
ITS AN A+!!!
3 to 4 tablespoons Florida Herb House organic chipotle powder
2 teaspoons ground Florida Herb House organic cumin
2 teaspoons Florida Herb House organic black pepper
2 teaspoons kosher =OR= 2 teaspoons sea salt
1/2 teaspoon Florida Herb House organic ground cardamom
1/2 teaspoon Florida Herb House organic fenugreek
1/2 teaspoon Florida Herb House organic nutmeg1/2 teaspoon Florida Herb House organic cloves
1/2 teaspoon Florida Herb House organic cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon Florida Herb House organic allspice
1/2 teaspoon Florida Herb House organic coriander
1 1/4 cups Florida Herb House organic cayenne pepper3 tablespoons Florida Herb House organic paprika
6 cloves Florida Herb House organic garlic minced
2 cups water
3 tablespoons peanut oil
When you prepare this intoxicating, brick-red chili sauce, be sure to use your overhead stove fan or open all the windows. You might also want to tie a scarf around your nose and mouth while heating the spices in the sauté pan.
Place the red pepper flakes, cumin, black pepper, salt, cardamom, fenugreek, nutmeg, cloves, cinnamon, allspice, and coriander in a medium, heavy-bottomed nonstick sauté pan. Cook over moderate heat, stirring constantly, until their aroma fills the air and the color has darkened slightly, about 4 minutes. Transfer to a blender and set aside.In the same pan, heat the cayenne pepper and paprika over moderately low heat for 4 to 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Add to the spice mixture in the blender along with the garlic, water, and peanut oil. Puree until smooth, stopping occasionally to scrape the sides of the container.
Return the pureed mixture to the sauté pan and cook over moderately low heat for 10 to 12 minutes, stirring frequently to prevent the sauce from burning. Remove from the heat and cool to room temperature. Store in a tightly sealed container in the refrigerator for up to 5 months.
chili peppers,
chipotle pepper,
mexican dish,
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
World's Best Elderberry Pie
Here you will find one of the best Elderberry Pie and Elderberry Wine recipes in the world!
Our Elderberries Are Certified Organic, In Stock And Ready To Ship In Our Flavor Savor Containers! All our herbs are true certified organic by CCOF, OTCO and certified NOP Kosher! All herbs are free from irradiation and ozone treatment, sulfur, gasses and other sanitary chemicals! Unsurpassable in color, depth, taste and aroma! Guaranteed fresh and not from "warehouse stock" Processed and handled according to strict organic standards! Analyzed for quality, safety and true botanical identity by the best in quality control!
Buy Organic Elderberries On Sale - 1 Lb
Our Favorite Elderberry Pie Recipe!
2 1/2 cups organic elderberries
3 tablespoons organic lemon juice
3/4 cup white organic sugar
2 tablespoons organic flour
1/8 teaspoon organic salt
1 recipe pastry for a 9 inch double crust pie
1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees F (220 degrees C). Line a 9 inch pie pan with pastry.
2. Combine berries and lemon juice. Pour into shell. Mix sugar, salt and flour. Sprinkle over berries.
3. Cover with top crust. Seal and flute edges. Cut a few small steam vents in the top.
4. Bake at 425 degrees F (220 degrees C) for 10 minutes, reduce oven temperature to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) and bake 30 minutes longer.
Make Your Own Elderberry Wine!
FRESH ELDERBERRY WINE (recipe to make one gallon of wine)
250 grams of Dried Organic Elderberries
White Granulated Sugar 1 kilo for dry wine
Or White Granulated Sugar 1.25 kilos for a medium wine
Or White Granulated Sugar 1.5 kilos for a sweet wine
Citric Acid (1 teaspoon)
Yeast and Yeast nutrient
1 Campden Tablet
Potassium Sorbate (Stoppitt) as directed
5 litre/1 gallon white plastic food grade bin and lid
5 litre/1 gallon demijohn either glass or plastic
Cork with hole and airlock
Fine nylon Straining bag
Hydrometer/Trial Jar (Optional)
Strip the fresh elderberries from the stalk by using a culinary fork, then weigh the berries and crush them in a food grade white polythene bucket. If using dried elderberries or sloes put them directly in the bin and pour on 2 pints of boiling water and dissolve the amount of granulated sugar required. Once cool - approximately 21C (75f) add the yeast, yeast nutrient and citric acid.
Cover well and leave in a warm place to ferment for 4/5 days.
Strain of the liquid into a glass demijohn, top up with cool boiled water and fit a cork and airlock. Continue to leave to ferment for approximately 4 to 6 weeks. When the wine has finished fermenting (test using a hydrometer, the reading should for a dry wine read 0.998sg.). Rack again in one months time. The wine should be stored in either a glass demijohn or bottled. If storing in a demijohn, top up with cool boiled water or red wine up to the neck of the demijohn and add one campden tablet and 1/4 teaspoon of Stoppit. Rack again in two months time. The wine can be sweetened if necessary . This wine can be drunk within 3/6 months or left to mature
TIP: Adding an extra kilo of blackberries (2lb) at the bucket stage makes an excellent Port style wine
Have a fun Tuesday!
Stephen Sharp
Our Elderberries Are Certified Organic, In Stock And Ready To Ship In Our Flavor Savor Containers! All our herbs are true certified organic by CCOF, OTCO and certified NOP Kosher! All herbs are free from irradiation and ozone treatment, sulfur, gasses and other sanitary chemicals! Unsurpassable in color, depth, taste and aroma! Guaranteed fresh and not from "warehouse stock" Processed and handled according to strict organic standards! Analyzed for quality, safety and true botanical identity by the best in quality control!
Buy Organic Elderberries On Sale - 1 Lb
Our Favorite Elderberry Pie Recipe!
2 1/2 cups organic elderberries
3 tablespoons organic lemon juice
3/4 cup white organic sugar
2 tablespoons organic flour
1/8 teaspoon organic salt
1 recipe pastry for a 9 inch double crust pie
1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees F (220 degrees C). Line a 9 inch pie pan with pastry.
2. Combine berries and lemon juice. Pour into shell. Mix sugar, salt and flour. Sprinkle over berries.
3. Cover with top crust. Seal and flute edges. Cut a few small steam vents in the top.
4. Bake at 425 degrees F (220 degrees C) for 10 minutes, reduce oven temperature to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) and bake 30 minutes longer.
Make Your Own Elderberry Wine!
FRESH ELDERBERRY WINE (recipe to make one gallon of wine)
250 grams of Dried Organic Elderberries
White Granulated Sugar 1 kilo for dry wine
Or White Granulated Sugar 1.25 kilos for a medium wine
Or White Granulated Sugar 1.5 kilos for a sweet wine
Citric Acid (1 teaspoon)
Yeast and Yeast nutrient
1 Campden Tablet
Potassium Sorbate (Stoppitt) as directed
5 litre/1 gallon white plastic food grade bin and lid
5 litre/1 gallon demijohn either glass or plastic
Cork with hole and airlock
Fine nylon Straining bag
Hydrometer/Trial Jar (Optional)
Strip the fresh elderberries from the stalk by using a culinary fork, then weigh the berries and crush them in a food grade white polythene bucket. If using dried elderberries or sloes put them directly in the bin and pour on 2 pints of boiling water and dissolve the amount of granulated sugar required. Once cool - approximately 21C (75f) add the yeast, yeast nutrient and citric acid.
Cover well and leave in a warm place to ferment for 4/5 days.
Strain of the liquid into a glass demijohn, top up with cool boiled water and fit a cork and airlock. Continue to leave to ferment for approximately 4 to 6 weeks. When the wine has finished fermenting (test using a hydrometer, the reading should for a dry wine read 0.998sg.). Rack again in one months time. The wine should be stored in either a glass demijohn or bottled. If storing in a demijohn, top up with cool boiled water or red wine up to the neck of the demijohn and add one campden tablet and 1/4 teaspoon of Stoppit. Rack again in two months time. The wine can be sweetened if necessary . This wine can be drunk within 3/6 months or left to mature
TIP: Adding an extra kilo of blackberries (2lb) at the bucket stage makes an excellent Port style wine
Have a fun Tuesday!
Stephen Sharp
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Lemon Balm - A True Lemon Spice

Happy Thursday Here From Florida Herb House!
After packing up 10 lbs. of our organic Lemon Balm today for one of our customers we suddenly noticed the entire room smelled like a refreshing lemon grove. If you are a lemon lover and cook with lemon frequently then you must add lemon balm as an essential spice to your pantry! Our organic certified lemon balm is chopped and sifted and ready for your kitchen! You can purchase online at www.FloridaHerbHouse.com or www.SharpWebLabs.com! Shhhhh...... don't tell anyone but if you type in this code FLORIDAHERB at checkout you get an instant 10%-20% off!!!
Because of its delicate lemon flavor, lemon balm has lots of culinary applications where it works perfectly. Apart from using fresh leaves as an attractive garnish, Chopped fresh leaves can be used to to add zest to sweet or tangy dishes. It combines well with allspice, bay leaves, mint, pepper, rosemary and thyme. Fresh herbs with essential oils, however, are less potent and should be added at the end of cooking. A wonderful addition to fruit salads, green salads, herb butters, fruit drinks, sorbets. It can also be used in egg dishes, custards, soups and casseroles. It works well in stuffing's for poultry, lamb or pork. Its subtle flavour is a perfect for sauces and marinades for fish. Lemon balm and chervil are also good combination.
If you wish to grow lemon balm we had great success with an indoor plant. As an indoor plant, lemon balm offers a light lemon refreshing, uplifting scent to your home year round. Be sure to keep it in a sunny location, and don't let it go dry. To insure an even and regular supply of moisture, consider providing a wicking system for your plant. Use a quality prepared potting soil, and select a pot that's on the small side, five inches or less. Potted lemon balm does better when kept a bit crowded. If your plant starts to get leggy, it needs more sun.
Harvesting and Drying Lemon Balm
This resilient herb can be harvested throughout the summer months by snipping or pinching. It grows back quickly and tolerates heavy harvesting well.
Stephen Sharp
Friday, March 26, 2010
French Onion Soup Recipe
Okay well this is not one of our organic seasoning but after trying it we had to put it in our store. For anyone who loves a sensational bowl of French Onion Soup, you know the kind that is steaming hot with vapors of flavorful onions evaporating in the air and with the cheese that is cooked perfectly and darkened on the edges of the bowl due to the higher heat conductivity then you gotta try this onion base!
We do strive on offering organic, green friendly and all natural products but a few of our non-organic favorites are always available 24/7 online at our stores http://www.FloridaHerbHouse.com and http://www.SharpWebLabs.com.
Here is the recipe we used last night using our own onion base powder for a boost!
Prep: 20 minutes
Cook: 90 minutes
Serves 6-8
2 tablespoons butter
2-1/2 pounds onions, thinly sliced
4 cans (14-1/2 oz. each) beef broth, divided
2 tsp Florida Herb House's onion base
1 bay leaf
1 tbsp organic parsley
2 tsp organic thyme
2 tablespoons Madeira or sherry
Salt and freshly ground pepper
8 3/4-inch-thick slices French bread
2 cups grated Gruyere cheese
1. Heat oven to 400 degree F. On stove top, heat butter in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add onions and stir often until softened and golden brown, about 35 minutes. Increase heat to high and pour in 1/2 cup broth, stirring until most of the broth has evaporated and onions are browning again. Continue until you have used up 2 cups of the broth.
2. Wrap bay leaf, parsley, and thyme in cheesecloth. Add to soup, reduce heat to low and simmer, covered, 15 minutes. Season with Madeira and salt and pepper to taste.
3. Toast bread in oven on a cookie sheet, 5 minutes. Divide the soup among 8 ovenproof bowls. Sprinkle 2 tablespoons of cheese over each, then top with bread and 2 tablespoons more cheese. Place bowls on cookie sheet and bake until the cheese bubbles, 10 minutes. Makes 8 servings.
Stephen Sharp
We do strive on offering organic, green friendly and all natural products but a few of our non-organic favorites are always available 24/7 online at our stores http://www.FloridaHerbHouse.com and http://www.SharpWebLabs.com.
Here is the recipe we used last night using our own onion base powder for a boost!
Prep: 20 minutes
Cook: 90 minutes
Serves 6-8
2 tablespoons butter
2-1/2 pounds onions, thinly sliced
4 cans (14-1/2 oz. each) beef broth, divided
2 tsp Florida Herb House's onion base
1 bay leaf
1 tbsp organic parsley
2 tsp organic thyme
2 tablespoons Madeira or sherry
Salt and freshly ground pepper
8 3/4-inch-thick slices French bread
2 cups grated Gruyere cheese
1. Heat oven to 400 degree F. On stove top, heat butter in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add onions and stir often until softened and golden brown, about 35 minutes. Increase heat to high and pour in 1/2 cup broth, stirring until most of the broth has evaporated and onions are browning again. Continue until you have used up 2 cups of the broth.
2. Wrap bay leaf, parsley, and thyme in cheesecloth. Add to soup, reduce heat to low and simmer, covered, 15 minutes. Season with Madeira and salt and pepper to taste.
3. Toast bread in oven on a cookie sheet, 5 minutes. Divide the soup among 8 ovenproof bowls. Sprinkle 2 tablespoons of cheese over each, then top with bread and 2 tablespoons more cheese. Place bowls on cookie sheet and bake until the cheese bubbles, 10 minutes. Makes 8 servings.
Stephen Sharp
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Asparagus Powder Is Delightful
Just a quick news update on our newest vegetable asparagus powder now available in our store and packed fresh to order! We are excited to be approaching 1500 natural and organic products in our Florida Herb House. See us online at http://www.sharpweblabs.com/ and http://www.floridaherbhouse.com/! Our asparagus powder is loved by many and is of superior grade and quality. We put this powder to the test the other night using it in one of our favorite recipes and it was a 10! Below is the recipe we used and its a must try!
Tilapia, a relatively plentiful fish, has the unfortunate reputation of being dull. All it needs is a spice rub, a familiar barbecuing technique that works just as well indoors. You could also use this rub on chicken breasts or toss it with lightly oiled shrimp before cooking.
4 servings
Active Time: 20 minutes
Total Time: 20 minutes
2 pounds asparagus, tough ends trimmed, cut into 1-inch pieces
2 tablespoons chili powder
1 tablespoon asparagus powder
1/2 teaspoon garlic, powder
1/2 teaspoon salt, divided
1 pound tilapia, Pacific sole or other firm white fish fillets
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
3 tablespoons lemon juice
Bring 1 inch of water to a boil in a large saucepan. Put asparagus in a steamer basket, place in the pan, cover and steam until tender-crisp, about 4 minutes. Transfer to a large plate, spreading out to cool.
Combine chili powder, garlic powder and 1/4 teaspoon salt on a plate. Dredge fillets in the spice mixture to coat. Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add the fish and cook until just opaque in the center, gently turning halfway, 5 to 7 minutes total. Divide among 4 plates. Immediately add lemon juice, the remaining 1/4 teaspoon salt and asparagus to the pan and cook, stirring constantly, until the asparagus is coated and heated through, about 2 minutes. Serve the asparagus with the fish. ENJOY!!!
Tilapia, a relatively plentiful fish, has the unfortunate reputation of being dull. All it needs is a spice rub, a familiar barbecuing technique that works just as well indoors. You could also use this rub on chicken breasts or toss it with lightly oiled shrimp before cooking.
4 servings
Active Time: 20 minutes
Total Time: 20 minutes
2 pounds asparagus, tough ends trimmed, cut into 1-inch pieces
2 tablespoons chili powder
1 tablespoon asparagus powder
1/2 teaspoon garlic, powder
1/2 teaspoon salt, divided
1 pound tilapia, Pacific sole or other firm white fish fillets
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
3 tablespoons lemon juice
Bring 1 inch of water to a boil in a large saucepan. Put asparagus in a steamer basket, place in the pan, cover and steam until tender-crisp, about 4 minutes. Transfer to a large plate, spreading out to cool.
Combine chili powder, garlic powder and 1/4 teaspoon salt on a plate. Dredge fillets in the spice mixture to coat. Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add the fish and cook until just opaque in the center, gently turning halfway, 5 to 7 minutes total. Divide among 4 plates. Immediately add lemon juice, the remaining 1/4 teaspoon salt and asparagus to the pan and cook, stirring constantly, until the asparagus is coated and heated through, about 2 minutes. Serve the asparagus with the fish. ENJOY!!!
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